Monday, 8 October 2012

Squirrels identifying intruders.

Squirrels identifying intruders.
As I was walking home, I noticed a strange noise coming from the trees above. I stopped and looked and spotted a squirrel holding a nut and looking straight at me. Unfortunately I didn't have any recording device with me and I wasn't able to record it but I found a YouTube video of a very similar noise from a different squirrel.

From research I found that this specific call means that the squirrel spotted an intruder also when being in territorial.  It is a form of communication to let others know that there is something going on. 
-Denisa Ollomani 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! Now I know that when I hear that noise it's not the squirrel trying to be my friend... I always thought they liked it when I chased them..

    - Sav
