Monday, 1 October 2012

Must See @ the Humber!

Right around this time and closer to Thanksgiving the Atlantic Salmon that live in Lake Ontario are making their way upstream of The Humber river to spawn. Near Old Mill Station is the perfect place to watch them jump and fight the current as they try to get over the waterfalls to calmer water. It was magnificent seeing them actually get over because we were at the highest falls that they had to get over. By concurring this it was then all smooth swimming for them they had completed their journey and could now begin to spawn.
I also noticed many people with those big waterproof overalls on in the river fishing, however though from my understanding it's is not healthy to eat the salmon but apparently you can it's just not recommended in large amounts. Personally I think that it should be a catch and release process since they are realistically just getting to calm water to lay their eggs, then after spawning they all return back to the lake. Some people may not know this but you actually need a fishing license in order to fish in the Humber.

- Alison .W


  1. Wow!
    Great shot.
    You are right about the catch and release and the levels of heavy metals in the fish.

  2. Wow this is so cool
